Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Last Holiday - By Gabriela

My first holiday without parents - just me and my lovely friend Filipa. We went to London on holiday. I chose to travel with her because she is an amazing person and I wanted to stay in another country with her. I felt downhearted went we left but I knew our first holiday without parents would be great.
We planned the trip one month ago. We went out of Braga and we traveled by plane. We arrived at night and we went to a hotel to sleep because we were extremely exhausted.
On the trip we met a lot of new friends from the different parts of the world. For example English, French, Japanese, Chinese and Spanish. The Spanish were easy to make a friends with because we usually understand their language.
After we met people, we saw the country. We visited the museums, theaters and the London Eye. We loved to walk there.
We spoke a lot of English and we learnt many things.
The food was different to Portuguese food. I hated it but my friend liked it.
We loved our holidays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you like the London Eye?