Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Last Holiday- By Marta Ferreira

On my last summer holiday I went to Spain just with my best friend Qiqi. We met two very nice girls, Carla and Maria.
They were very kind, because they showed us around the city. We visited the monuments, went to the beach and to the hotel`s swimming pool.
At night, we went to the hotel parties! It was very fun! We danced, sang and socialized with a lot of people. The thing that I most liked was visiting the 'Sagrada Famìlia'. It was wonderful!
I liked this trip very much! It was unforgetable!

My Last Holiday- By Rita Alexandra

On my last holiday I went to Tunisia with my family. I met many people of different nationalities.
In Tunisia the people speak French. I liked Tunisia, the weather was very hot! In the morning, I went to the beach and in the afternoon I went shopping. At night I went to a disco in the hotel.
I liked Tunisia and the Tunisian people :-):-):-)

My Last holiday- By Miguel Meireles

On my holidays I visited Rome in Italy. It was fun because I flew without my parents. I went there just with my friend Manuel. When we arrived, the first thing that we had to do was get our bags.
After that, we went to a hotel in the centre of the city. The room was very small but we didn´t care because we were very tired and the hotel was very cheap and we didn´t have a lot money.
On the next day we wanted to visit the city... but first breakfast! My friend took a lot of time to wake up. When my friend left the room and ate breakfast we visited the museums and most importantly the Collisieum!
At night, after dinner, me and my friend went out to the disco but we were not old enough to enter! On the last day, me and my friend arrived back in Portugal. We needed home routine!

My Last Holiday - By Gabriela

My first holiday without parents - just me and my lovely friend Filipa. We went to London on holiday. I chose to travel with her because she is an amazing person and I wanted to stay in another country with her. I felt downhearted went we left but I knew our first holiday without parents would be great.
We planned the trip one month ago. We went out of Braga and we traveled by plane. We arrived at night and we went to a hotel to sleep because we were extremely exhausted.
On the trip we met a lot of new friends from the different parts of the world. For example English, French, Japanese, Chinese and Spanish. The Spanish were easy to make a friends with because we usually understand their language.
After we met people, we saw the country. We visited the museums, theaters and the London Eye. We loved to walk there.
We spoke a lot of English and we learnt many things.
The food was different to Portuguese food. I hated it but my friend liked it.
We loved our holidays.

My Last Holiday - By Francisco Soares

On my last holiday I went to London with my friend Tiago and our teachers. We were very excited. We went to a "spetacular" hotel called 'The White House'.
The next day we went sightseeing around London, we saw important monuments like London Bridge, London Eye, Big Ben and many others.
Our lunches were sandwiches with "Philadelphia" cheese. We were very content. We did a lot of activities, it was great! We walked around London and we visited a very cool museum. I was downhearted when we had to go home, it was fantastic. It was the greatest holiday of my life.

Our Last Holiday- By Teresa and Ana Carolina

On our holidays we went to Vila Olímpica in Barcelona by plane.
We stayed there for about ten days.
We didn't go to the beach because it was very cold.
However, we visited some monuments by the architect Gaudy.
The monuments were very interesting and beautiful.
We liked to see fantastic art.
The architecture was brilliant.
We love staying there on our holidays.

My Last Holiday- By Catarina Lima Louro

I went to Havana in Cuba. I went with my friends, Ana, Joana and Eduarda. It was very fun! I went to the beach, I went swimming and at night, me and my friends went to a disco, a fantastic disco!
I met Portuguese people and people from others countries.
The Cubans took me around Havana. We visited many historic monuments.
I felt really free, because I was without my parents. I could do what I wanted!
I liked this holiday very much. It was unforgetable!